About US

Mark Williams

J.D. Syracuse University College of Law
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University

We started KW to win with clients.

KW allows me to be a partner with my clients and participate in those wins. It also allows me to support traditional and growth industries with a focus on creating competitive advantages and growing revenue and market share.

I am a solutions architect and a strategic advisor. I partner with my clients – to know their businesses and help them grow.

I am a mechanical engineer and a lawyer. I know how to make and sell products. I know how to protect market share, create competitive advantages, and monetize intangible assets.  

I offer clients a unique and balanced, business focused approach to the law. I help clients understand their market position, create businesses and assets, monetize those assets, negotiate and consummate deals, protect supply chain, police the marketplace and generate revenue.

My technical experience includes medical systems and devices, automotive technology, communication systems and technology, power management systems, green and solar technologies and infrastructure, software and business method systems, firearms, weaponry and related accessories, mining, pollution mitigation, consumer products, and other technologies.

Prior to KW, I worked for one of the largest law firms in the southwest, where I had a hybrid intellectual property (“IP”) focused practice that included strategic analysis and counseling services, negotiation of transactions, procurement of strategic IP assets and enforcement and monetization of those assets. I also worked for a manufacturing company as an executive helping manage all aspects of the business.

This business experience gives me a unique lens and helps me solve problems from a client’s individual perspective.  My viewpoint on a client’s needs allows me the ability to help maximize their opportunities and solve their problems, not just answer legal questions.